Uric Acid Crystals

By |2017-07-20T11:44:44+01:00July 20th, 2017|

These appear as crystals that look like broken glass, yellow-green (brightfield) and highly reflective (darkfield). These occur as a result of poor digestion of dietary protein and/or poor elimination of uric acid. The system is acidic and some degree of inflammation may be present. Improving protein digestion is very important. Digestive enzymes are usually used [...]

Cholesterol Crystals Seen In Live Blood Analysis

By |2017-07-13T11:56:56+01:00July 13th, 2017|

Many different types of crystal formations can be observed in live blood samples and vary greatly in size, shape and colour.   They always appear as solid objects that are usually much larger than red blood cells. Crystal formation in the blood is a sclerotic process that is related to inflammation. The presence of crystalline [...]

Natural Heath Treatments – Are they working?

By |2017-04-14T10:10:53+01:00April 13th, 2017|

Many practitioners feel like they’re working in the dark when treating chronic cases. This is because chronic cases typically take a long time to respond to treatment, and patients don’t notice an improvement in the first few months of treatment. Most successful practitioners rely on years of experience to know that their treatment is working. [...]

Zeta Potential – Getting The Right Balance

By |2018-08-17T10:45:38+01:00October 13th, 2016|

Anyone who begins a serious study of biological terrain will encounter the concept of zeta potential because it is a basic principle of the electrical properties of life itself. In one sense the body is electric--or electrostatic. In various industries, the concept of zeta potential is common knowledge. Zeta potential plays a critical role in [...]

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