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Directory of Live Blood Online trained practitioners worldwide
Live blood analysis practitioners certified by Live Blood Online have been trained to a very high standard and level of proficiency.
Live blood analysis enables the practitioner to understand his/her client’s individual state of health on a much deeper level by:
Getting a true and accurate picture of their patient’s health at a cellular level. The ability to identify their client’s individual imbalances, weaknesses and health priorities. What is seen in the blood relates directly to a client’s condition. Live Blood Online practitioners are trained in what has to be addressed to improve their client’s state of health, training includes the ability to determine what specific, individual treatment protocols are needed.
Live Blood Online trained practitioners are able to measure and monitor the effect of treatment on their patient’s health. They are able to establish if the current protocol is working, and make the necessary changes at an early stage to ensure on-going improvement. No other test does this!
Live Blood Online trained practitioners are able to :
1. DEMONSTRATE the negative impact of poor diet and lifestyle choices No other tool provides such a powerful visual demonstration of the effects of unhealthy diet & lifestyle choices.
2. MOTIVATE their clients to make positive changes.
3. REINFORCE positive changes by showing improvements and the benefits of lifestyle changes You will find Live Blood Online trained practitioners in most countries.
You will find Live Blood Online trained practitioners in most countries.
Salwa Kramps Live/Dry Blood Cell Analysis, Iridologist, Reflexologist Microscopic Health
Alberta, Canada |