We have just finished the September 2015 course this week. For the last 3 weeks we have been studying test cases from our students as well as some of Dr Okkers own test cases, all very interesting and lots to learn.

We have a new course starting on January 12th 2015!

Click here for the course curriculum

This is a 12 week online interactive training course every Tuesday at 7pm UK time – for one hour. Time converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html The course is presented via 12 weekly webinars in a dialogue style with videos, pictures and diagrams, using easy and convenient Go To Webinar.

All of the live lessons are recorded and sent out to attendees after the lesson, so all of the lessons can be viewed as many times as needed, whenever wanted – good for attendees in a different time zones or anyone having to miss a lesson.

We provide 2 wall charts and a 300+ page manual USB as well as access to our training site with everything needed for practicing LBA.

We provide membership to the private Facebook page where attendees can post their findings and improve & learn with the other attendees.

Microscopes can be acquired during or after the course, we provide the best quality microscopes for LBA at the best possible prices with a 2 year warranty.

The course is $799 (USD) click here for currency conversion – https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter

This is the most comprehensive and detailed online course that will give you the deepest insight to the full capabilities of Live & Dry Blood Analysis.

The manuals and course clearly illustrate the correct blood sampling techniques for both live and dry blood analysis with detailed information and a balanced view on all the various schools of thought on live blood analysis.

The course will show you Live & Dry Blood Analysis to its full potential and is designed to get you practicing with absolute confidence and proficiency.The course can be taken at your leisure, anywhere in the world where there is an internet connection.

Live Blood Online and Live Blood London are approved by The Complementary Medical Association (CMA)Live Blood Onlines tutor is a well known and highly qualified Naturopathic Doctor as well as an excellent teacher, who has been successfully teaching LBA for the last 14 years.

Certificate will be sent on completion of the course and submission of 2 test cases.We provide on-going support to help you with everything needed to get started.

Questions are answered at the live webinar, support is also provided through a private Facebook Page support Forum.

Click for more information:

The course content.

The specifications for the Microscope System needed for Live and Dry Blood Analysis.

The microscope system that we recommend as the best available in quality, ease of use and price.

Setting up cost with a list of equipment needed to begin practicing along with the prices and where to get it all.

We keep the webinars limited to a maximum of 12, so as to be able to answer all questions and deal with attendees requirements adequately.

We are compiling a list of all the main questions and answer so keep your questions coming.

We have regular live interviews answering your questions please email if you would like the recordings

Keep a look out for newsletters & updates, some may come from our Auto-responder and end up in your junk mail so make sure to look out for emails from info@livebloodonline.com