Pleomorphism and germ theory

The accepted biological paradigm today, which has led to the development of the pleomorphism and germ theory, is Monomorphism (Gr. mónos: single + morphē: form).

This paradigm, developed by Louis Pasteur and other scientists, states that all microorganisms only have one possible form and do not have the ability to evolve into different types of organisms.

The germ theory followed, which states that specific diseases are caused by infection with specific microorganisms and are cured when the microorganisms have been destroyed.


This led to the development and widespread use of antibiotics, animal testing and many of the other atrocities of modern medicine.


Pleomorphism, the polar opposite of Monomorphism, was developed by scientists like Antoine Béchamp and Günther Enderlein and states that microorganisms have various life cycles and stages of development that can range between viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungi, depending on the type of microorganism and the environment it is presented with.


What is interesting is that pleomorphism and its proponents has been entirely written out of history books and encyclopedias and is not as much as mentioned, even for historical interest, in universities and training institutions.

Antoine Béchamp

Pleomorphism and the Germ Theory Explained


We will begin our overview of the history of pleomorphism at the beginning, with French scientist Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908).

Béchamp was a Master of Pharmacy, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy, Fellow and Professor of Physics and Toxicology, Professor of Biological Chemistry and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.

He was actively involved in his biological research at the same time as Louis Pasteur.

Ten years of experimentation led Béchamp to the conclusion that the tiny “molecular granulations” that have been observed in the cells of plants and animals by other researchers, were living elements.

He called them “microzymas” (small ferments), due to their ability to ferment sugar.

He continued his research over another 13 years, developing the Theory of Microzymas. This theory states that the microzyma is an independently living element, found in all living organisms and survives after the death of the organism. It functions to both build and recycle the organism.

It is the builder and destroyer of cells; it precedes life at the cellular level and is the foundation of all biological organization. In healthy conditions, the microzymas have a beneficial relationship with the organism and fermentation occurs normally.

However, microzymas are very sensitive to biological signals, responding to changes in the terrain, especially pH. When the terrain becomes compromised, the microzymas become what Béchamp called “morbidly evolved”, changing into microscopic forms (bacteria) that contribute to the development of illness. Béchamp believed this characteristic to be linked to the function of the microzymas to recycle the body upon death.

The change in the terrain is interpreted by the microzymas that the organism is already dead, which is a signal for them to change into the “morbidly evolved” forms capable of more vigorous fermentative breakdown.

Béchamp was also able to show that compounds such as alcohol and acetic acid are produced in the tissues of all organisms as a direct result of the fermentation activity of the microzymas.

The difference between the two theories is quite clear:

Pasteur’s germ theory sees disease as being caused by external factors, whilst Béchamp’s pleomorphic theory considers the internal environment as the most important contributing factor.

Béchamp did not deny that the air carried germs, but maintained that they were not primarily responsible, and certainly not necessary, for disease. They are only present because of the compromised terrain. A good analogy was made by Rudolph Virchow: “… mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant.”


Claude Bernard

A researcher worth mentioning, who preceded Antoine Béchamp, was French physiologist Claude Bernard (1813-1878).

He was one of the first scientists of his time to see that disease is not simply determined by the germs involved or the symptoms present. He believed disease to be a general, underlying condition, affected and determined by the body’s internal environment, which he called the “Terrain”.

The state of the terrain is determined by four factors, namely:

1) its acid/alkaline balance;

2) its electric/magnetic charge;

3) its level of poisoning;

4) its nutritional status.


Royal Raymond Rife

During the 1920’s R.R. Rife was researching a method to treat disease by destroying microorganisms through radio frequency radiation. To help him determine the correct frequency, he designed and built a most incredible microscope (consisting of 5682 parts) that used polarizing prisms to “stain” the organisms with light. He then used a radio frequency beam ray to destroy the organisms, which he used successfully to cure many serious conditions, including polio, TB and cancer.

He is relevant to the history of pleomorphism in that he was able to isolate a virus he found in cancerous tissue and transform it into a fungus and then into a bacterium. He was able to repeat this hundreds of times and showed that the pleomorphic development of microorganisms goes beyond the bacterial level to the fungal stage.


Günther Enderlein


German zoologist and bacteriologist Prof. Dr. Günther Enderlein (1872-1968) is still considered by many as the father of pleomorphism. He based his work on that of Antoine Béchamp and conducted research for over 60 years, which led him to several remarkable discoveries.

He showed that the protit, not the cell, is the smallest biological unit of life. Protits (Béchamp’s microzymas) are small, living protein particles found in all the cells, blood and other fluids of all living organisms. They can not be destroyed and survives after the death of the organism, performing the function of decomposition.



He also found that the blood is not sterile and that it contains tiny life forms, capable of evolving into more complex, pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms when conditions are favourable.


Much of his discoveries he made because he was looking at live blood in darkfield. This helped him to see that in healthy conditions the protits remain small and beneficial, working with the body in a symbiotic relationship. However, when presented with a disturbed environment, the protits are able to develop into more complex, pathogenic forms, including bacteria and fungi. The specific symptoms and forms of disease depend on the level of development of the pathogenic forms, which is governed by the state of the terrain.

Enderlein referred to all the possible developmental forms of the protits as the Endobiont. He discovered that two microbes exist, and has always existed, in all vertebrate mammals. These are Mucor racemosus Fresen, which he called the primary parasite, and Aspergillus niger van Tieghem.

Mucor is found in the blood and other cells and when in its beneficial, primitive stages, it is responsible for the coagulation of blood. When in its pathogenic stages, Mucor leads to congestion, cancer and many other degenerative diseases.

Aspergillus, in its primitive stages, is responsible for the regulation of the citric acid cycle and calcium metabolism.

Enderlein believed that the infection of mammals with Aspergillus allowed for the development of skeletal structures.

Aspergillus can be found in the bones, connective tissue and lymphatics. Pathogenic phases of Aspergillus are responsible for para-tubercular diseases, connective tissue disorders, arthritis and skin problems.

Enderlein showed that while exogenous microorganisms are monomorphic and produce recognizable, communicable diseases, other non-communicable, chronic diseases are caused by the pathogenic evolution of the pleomorphic Endobiont.

This evolution is governed by the state of the terrain, particularly the pH.

The Anartatic Law of Interdependence states that the progressive development of microorganisms from the protit stages into their higher and highest stages requires a progressively descending pH.

This process, once started, is then supported by the Endobiont itself, which produces acid wastes from its metabolism of protein. Each microorganism produces a specific organic acid: Aspergillus produces citric acid and Mucor produces lactic acid.

It is important to note that Enderlein described the evolution of Mucor and Aspergillus, both of which find their culminant (highest stage of development) as a fungal organism.

Other organisms that may also be pleomorphic do not necessarily have their culminants in the fungal phase, but rather in the bacterial phase (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus).


Gaston Naessens

Quebec scientist Gaston Naessens, who is currently involved in research, has also contributed greatly to pleomorphism. He designed a special microscope, called the “Somatoscope”, which enables him to observe changes in living tissue at very high magnification and resolution.

He, like Enderlein and Béchamp, discovered small living particles, which he called “somatids”. He has identified two somatid cycles: the microcycle and the macrocycle. Only the microcycle occurs in health and consists of only three stages, where all three forms are symbiotic. The macrocycle occurs in disease and consists of sixteen stages, including bacteria-like and fungus-like forms.

The culminant fungal phases of Mucor racemosus and Aspergillus niger only occupy the blood after death as it requires an acidic environment.

There are transitional mycelial phases that can however be observed in the blood.

These phases represent the highest phase of Mucor’s development in the living host and their presence is indicative of severe conditions.