Bright Field Microscopy

By |2017-01-27T11:38:22+00:00September 8th, 2016|

In bright field microscopy a specimen is placed on the stage of the microscope and incandescent light from the microscope’s light source is aimed at a lens beneath the specimen. This lens is called a condenser. The condenser usually contains an aperture diaphragm to control and focus light on the specimen; light passes through the [...]

Live Blood Analysis Training Course Online September 27th 2016

By |2017-01-27T11:32:16+00:00August 15th, 2016|

The next online training course will start Tuesday September 27th 2016 at 7pm (UK time) If you would like to know more about the training course, click here. Live Blood Online offers a 12 week online interactive training course about Live Blood Analysis. We hold webinars Tuesdays for one hour. Live Blood Online records all of the [...]

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