Your Blood – Why is it So Important?
Your blood could be viewed as the river of life; it is the substance that carries oxygen, water and nutrients to all your organs and tissues.

It therefore makes perfect sense, that imbalances seen in the blood will affect the organs and tissues, leading to malfunction and imbalance.

If the red blood cells are anything other than perfect in shape, structure, flexibility and fluidity, then their ability to travel around the body and deliver the vital level of oxygen and nutrients is severely compromised. This translates into low energy production, fatigue and a general sense of feeling unwell. There are obviously many degrees of this. The quality of the blood is vital to a healthy, disease free body and this is dependent on correct nutrition and lifestyle.

Every second of every day the trillions of cells within the body absorb nutrients and oxygen from the blood and excrete acid wastes in the process of metabolism. Diet and lifestyle dramatically affect the cellular health either positively or negatively. If our bodies, due to being acidic have to work harder in order to keep the blood at the slightly alkaline level of 7.365, then we will feel sick and tired. Blood, which is an important ‘organ’ of life, must stay at an exact pH of 7.365.

The body will do anything to maintain this level and will rob the body of calcium in order to stay that way, causing imbalances in health. Healthy cells can only survive in an environment that maintains an optimum pH. Think of fish in a fish tank, we spend much time and effort making sure the water they swim in is clean, well oxygenated and at the correct acidity/alkalinity level. If we don’t monitor the oxygenation and pH levels and keep the water clean, the fish get sick. If the fish do get sick, changing the water they swim in is a sensible first option.

Healthy blood cells live in a healthy environment, i.e. one free of pollutants, harmful bacteria, parasites, etc. Healthy blood cells can also only survive in an environment that maintains an optimum pH. One needs to assess the terrain in which the cells are floating. For example, if the terrain is too acidic then the red cells will behave in a way which will compromise their ability to circulate freely around the body to deliver oxygen.

The body is equipped with many mechanisms to enable it to maintain the blood in a pure and healthy state. These are the elimination channels and filtering organs. These consist of the Lymph, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Bowels and Skin. The efficiency of these channels can alter over time and is perfectly illustrated by the changes observed as a human grows from a baby, with a very pure and untarnished blood stream, (dependent on the nutrition of the mother of course, during pregnancy and weaning) to that of a teenager with acne and then on to middle-age where the body develops signs of toxicity and aging.