Barack Obama’s Left-wing federal bureaucracy continues to become more tyrannical, even as the man is on his way out the door – giving a good indication of just how tall an order it will be for President-elect Donald J. Trump to “drain the D.C. swamp” as he has pledged to do.
In recent days the Federal Trade Commission actually ordered all makers of homeopathic products to include labeling that states they don’t actually work – an unbelievable requirement, considering there was no such order sent to Big Pharma firms for their many questionably effective treatments.
Once again, the federal government is picking winners and losers based on who has more political clout in D.C.
Mind you, the homeopathic market in the U.S. is massive. As reported by the UK’s Independent, it is estimated that Americans spent $3 billion in 2007 alone on such treatments and remedies essentially created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann.
But now, Obama’s bureaucracy is attempting to drive a stake in the heart of an extremely popular industry – and one that millions of Americans rely on for their health (and should be free to choose if that’s what they want). In a public notification, the FTC is ordering makers of homeopathic products to prove they work and are effective, or state that there is “no scientific evidence that the product works.”
Government now deciding all Americans should only trust ‘modern’ medical industry
The notice added: “Homeopathy, which dates back to the late-eighteenth century, is based on the view that disease symptoms can be treated by minute doses of substances that produce similar symptoms when provided in larger doses to healthy people.”
The notice went on to say that many homeopathic products are so diluted they no longer have “detectable levels” of the primary substance. Therefore, generally speaking, claims made by homeopathic product makers are “not based on modern scientific methods” and as such, are not “accepted” by establishment medicine.
In addition, the federal regulatory agency said that homeopathic drug claims allegedly not substantiated by ‘competent’ and ‘reliable’ sources (that Uncle Sam also gets to pick, no doubt) may not be deceptive under the new order if the labeling includes 1) a statement claiming no scientific evidence indicates the product works; and 2) a statement noting the product’s claims are only based on homeopathic medicinal theories from the 1700s “that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.”
No mass death using homeopathic treatments
Are you beginning to see where this push is coming from? If you guessed the establishment medical industry, you’d be right.
But in fact, as we have regularly reported, homeopathic medicine is effective in treating ailments and illnesses, regardless of the Obama administration’s attempts to shut it down.
In fact, just days ago we reported that the concept behind homeopathic medicine is sound. It seeks not to mask or suppress symptoms, like “modern” medicine, but rather to address an overall syndrome of body and mind, and thereby strengthening the body’s own ability to defend against disease. Before actually advising on a treatment, however, homeopaths consider a patient’s symptoms as well as their personal traits, physical state of being, history and psychological condition.
And there is also this: The Food and Drug Administration admits that traditional medication errors account for at least one death every day, while injuring some 1.3 million people every year in the United States. In all, about 250,000 deaths annually are attributable to medication errors made by traditional practitioners of medicine. The ones the Obama FTC isn’t interested in regulating.
Homeopathic medicine has no similar record of death.